EAN 8 Barcode
An EAN 8 barcode is structured in the same manner as a UPC Version A barcode, but with only four digits encoded in each half. An EAN 8 barcode encodes two flag digits, five data digits assigned for the product by the Country Coding Authority, and one check digit. EAN 8 provides a "short" version of EAN 13 barcode.

EAN 8 Barcode Structure
- Left-hand guard bars encoded as 101.
- Two number system characters, encoded as left-hand odd-parity characters.
- First two message characters, encoded as left-hand odd-parity characters. Center guard bars, encoded as 01010.
- Last three message characters, encoded as right-hand characters.
- Check digit, encoded as right-hand character.
- Right-hand guar bars encoded as 101.
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