SmartCodeComponent / SmartCodeComponent2D
With Excel Add-in for automatic data
conversion to barcodes.
SmartCodeComponent is a barcode component that allows you to easily add professional quality bar codes to Windows documents like those from Word and Excel. It is extremely powerful, utilizing the same engine as TechnoRiverStudio, the industry leading and award-winning label design / barcode software.

SmartCodeComponent will work flawlessly with any Windows application that supports OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) Server. This includes most Microsoft Office products, WordPad and many third-party softwares.
Simply insert SmartCodeComponent into your application and select a few bar code properties, such as bar code height, bar width, barcode type and bar code orientation. Your desired bar codes will be generated automatically.
SmartCodeComponent exposes a full range of barcode properties and allows precise control over barcode dimensions. The font for the human readable text is customizable, and support for various barstyles allow the text to be placed on top or below a barcode symbol. The text can also be left-aligned, centered, or justified. Data validation is also carried out over all input to ensure the generated barcode meet industry specifications.
SmartCodeComponent includes a standalone MetaFile Creator that can be used to generate barcodes images (WMF, JPEG, PNG, GIF and TIFF) for use in third party applications.

- Drag and drop functionality
- Awards-winning barcode engine from TechnoRiverStudio
- Innovative and extremely intuitive user interfaces
- Support all common industry barcodes
- Flexible sizing options - the X dimension, wide to narrow ratio, barcode height and several other properties may be adjusted for the intended application and scanning equipment
- Complete UCC/EAN 128 Support - Support for all industry Application Identifiers
- Checksum options - checksum characters can be enabled or disabled in the barcode. In the human readable text, checksum characters can be appended to the text
- Text alignment, distance, color and font support
- Bearers Bar - Rectangle/Top Bottom bars with Quiet Zone and Bar Thickness support.
- Extended Style Display
- Standard Foreground/Background Color Editor
- UPC Extensions - Automatic Extension 2 and Extension 5 support
- Automatic Data Validation - To ensure the data encoded adheres to industry specifications
- High Resolution Printing
- Automatic Sizing
Excel Add-in for automatic conversion of data to barcodes
See details - MetaFile Creator - Standalone program that generate barcode images for insertion into third party applications
SmartCodeComponent supports all commonly used bar code symbologies including
- Code39
- Code128
- Code128A
- Code128B
- Code128C
- Code39ASCII
- Interleaved 2 of 5
- ITF14
- EAN13
- EAN8
- UPC Extension 2
- UPC Extension 5
- UCCEAN128 (All industry Application Identifiers like SSCC-14 etc.)
- Code93
- Rational Codabar
- MSI (Modified Plessey)
- Standard 2 of 5
- GS1 DataBar 14 (RSS 14, Reduced Space Symbology)
- GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional (RSS Stacked Omnidirectional)
- GS1 DataBar Limited (RSS Limited)
Download SmartCodeComponent Here!
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