ITF14 Barcode
ITF14 barcode is based on the I2of5 symbology. It is 14 digits and is used to mark cartons, cases, or pallets that contain products which have a UPC or EAN product identification number. The container symbols are used by manufacturers and distributors to take inventory or tally shipments quickly and accurately.

The lines at the top and the bottom of the ITF14 barcode are called bearer bars and are used to prevent "short scan". Due to the structure of the Interleaved 2 of 5 code, it is statistically possible in some situations for a scanner to cut diagonally through only part of the code and still think that it has read valid data. The bearer bars disrupt the scan and insure that only complete scans will return a valid read. The bearer bars have another advantage when using the flexographic process to print barcodes directly on cartons. They provide extra physical support for the ends of the bars on the flexographic plate. Using a complete box also provides support for the ends of the bearer bars.
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