Barcode Properties - Dimension
Specify the barcode dimension properties in this dialog.
Bar Ratio - the ratio between the thin and thick bars in the
Bar Width - the following are two different ways to adjust the
bar width of the barcode.
Stretch To Fit
- Automatically adjust the bar width to fit to the barcode's bounding box. The
bar width wil be calculated automatically based on the bounding box provided.
In the event where the bounding box is not large enough to contain the barcode,
it will be expanded automatically.
Fixed - Specify the width of a single bar in the
barcode. The entire barcode will be generated based on this single bar width.
The bounding box will also be expanded to contain the entire barcode.
Left - the distance between the left edge of the label and
the left edge of the bounding box
Top - the distance between the top edge of the label and
the top edge of the bounding box
Width - the width of the bounding box
Height - the height of the bounding box
Rotation Angle - the angle at which to display the barcode