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Using SmartCodeStudio to print RFID tags
SmartCodeStudio supports the following Class 1 RFID encoding:
1. SGTIN-64:Format : H:P1;P2;P3;P4where H = Header (2 bits). Header is an optional field. SmartCodeStudio will automatically format the output with the appropriate header bits.
Sample input for SGTIN-64: Text encoding: 2;14501;200045294701 Expected output: 96062E6062000000
Dec encoding: 2;14501;200045294701;632637288 Expected output: 9714A1E8DBB54768
Hex encoding: 2;14501;200045294701;632637288 Expected output: 90A0328E02637288
2. SSCC-64Format: H:P1;P2;P3 where H = Header (8 bits). Header is an optional field. SmartCodeStudio will automatically format the output with the appropriate header bits.
Sample input for SSCC-64 Text encoding: 2;14501;200045294701 Expected output: 085818B934373031
Dec encoding: 2;14501;200045294701 Expected output: 085C52AE93A0F46D
Hex encoding: 2;14501;200045294701 Expected output: 0842808045294701
3. SGLN-64Format: H:P1;P2;P3;P4 where H = Header (8 bits). Header is an optional field. SmartCodeStudio will automatically format the output with the appropriate header bits.
Sample input for SGLN-64: Text encoding: 2;14501;200045294701 Expected output: 095818B981880000
Dec encoding: 2;14501;200045294701 Expected output: 095C5287A3680000
Hex encoding: 2;14501;200045294701;632637288 Expected output: 094280CA380B7288
4. GRAI-64Format: H:P1;P2;P3;P4 where H = Header (8 bits). Header is an optional field. SmartCodeStudio will automatically format the output with the appropriate header bits.
Sample input for GRAI-64: Text encoding: 2;14501;200045294701 Expected output: 0A5818B981880000
Dec encoding: 2;14501;200045294701 Expected output: 0A5C5287A3680000
Hex encoding: 2;14501;200045294701;632637288 Expected output: 0A4280CA380B7288
5. GIAI-64Format: H:P1;P2;P3 where H = Header (8 bits). Header is an optional field. SmartCodeStudio will automatically format the output with the appropriate header bits.
Sample input for GIAI-64: Text encoding: 2;14501;200045294701 Expected output: 0B5818B934373031
Dec encoding: 2;14501;200045294701 Expected output: 0B5C52AE93A0F46D
Hex encoding: 2;14501;200045294701 Expected output: 0B42808045294701
6. DOD/UID-64Format: H:P1;P2;P3 where H = Header (8 bits). Header is an optional field. SmartCodeStudio will automatically format the output with the appropriate header bits.
Sample input for DOD/UID-64: Text encoding: 2;14501;200045294701 Expected output: CEB1D35C31373031
Dec encoding: 2;14501;200045294701 Expected output: CEB1D35C31A0F46D
Hex encoding: 2;14501;200045294701 Expected output: CEB1D35C31294701
7. RAW EPC-64No format. Any input string can be converted. Sample input for RAW EPC-64: Text encoding: is a test string Expected output: 7420737472696E67
Dec encoding: 9987 Expected output: 0000000000002703
Hex encoding: ABCDEF1234567890 Expected output: ABCDEF1234567890
8. SGTIN-96Format: H:P1;P2;P3;P4;P5 where H = Header (8 bits). Header is an optional field. SmartCodeStudio will automatically format the output with the appropriate header bits.
Sample input for SGTIN-96: Text encoding: 12345678;9087654;64782922 Expected output: 3000E0DCD8D4D08000000000
Dec encoding: 2;14501;765432;56743265 Expected output: 30580E2942EB7E000361D561
Hex encoding: 2;14501;98576342 Expected output: 3058514055D8D08000000000
9. SSCC-96Format: H:P1;P2;P3;P4;P5 where H = Header (8 bits). Header is an optional field. SmartCodeStudio will automatically format the output with the appropriate header bits.
Sample input for SSCC-96: Text encoding: Text1;Text2;Text3;Text4 Expected output: 31215195E1D0C87433787434
Dec encoding: 2;14501;765432;56743265 Expected output: 31580E2940000BADF861D561
Hex encoding: 2;14501;98576342 Expected output: 315851404098576342000000
10. SGLN-96Format: H:P1;P2;P3;P4;P5 where H = Header (8 bits). Header is an optional field. SmartCodeStudio will automatically format the output with the appropriate header bits.
Sample input for SGLN-96: Text encoding: Text1;Text2;Text3;Text4 Expected output: 32215195E1D0CA5465787434
Dec encoding: 2;14501;765432;56743265 Expected output: 32580E29575BF0000361D561
Hex encoding: 2;14501;98576342 Expected output: 325851406EC6840000000000
11. GRAI-96Format: H:P1;P2;P3;P4;P5 where H = Header (8 bits). Header is an optional field. SmartCodeStudio will automatically format the output with the appropriate header bits.
Sample input for GRAI-96: Text encoding: Text1;Text2;Text3;Text4 Expected output: 33215195E1D0C8D465787434
Dec encoding: 2;14501;765432;56743265 Expected output: 33580E2942EB7E000361D561
Hex encoding: 2;14501;98576342 Expected output: 3358514055D8D08000000000
12. GIAI-96Format: H:P1;P2;P3;P4 where H = Header (8 bits). Header is an optional field. SmartCodeStudio will automatically format the output with the appropriate header bits.
Sample input for GIAI-96: Text encoding: Text1;Text2;Text3;Text4 Expected output: 34215195E1D0C85465787433
Dec encoding: 2;14501;765432;56743265 Expected output: 34580E2940000000000BADF8
Hex encoding: 2;14501;98576342 Expected output: 345851404000000098576342
13. GID-96Format: H:P1;P2;P3 where H = Header (8 bits). Header is an optional field. SmartCodeStudio will automatically format the output with the appropriate header bits.
Sample input for GID-96: Text encoding: 2;14501;200045294701 Expected output: 350000032353031934373031
Dec encoding: 2;14501;200045294701 Expected output: 3500000020038A5E93A0F46D
Hex encoding: 2;14501;200045294701 Expected output: 3500000020145010452947010
14. DOD/UID-96Format: H:P1;P2;P3 where H = Header (8 bits). Header is an optional field. SmartCodeStudio will automatically format the output with the appropriate header bits.
Sample input for DOD/UID-96: Text encoding: 2;14501;200045294701 Expected output: CF2003134353031934373031
Dec encoding: 2;14501;200045294701 Expected output: CF2003134353031E93A0F46D
Hex encoding: 2;14501;200045294701 Expected output: CF2003134353031045294701
15. RAW EPC-96No format. Any input string can be converted. Sample input for RAW EPC-96: Text encoding: Text123 Expected output: 000000000054657874313233
Dec encoding: 9991 Expected output: 000000000000000000002707
Hex encoding: 34567890ABCDEF1234567890 Expected output: 34567890ABCDEF1234567890