Print Options - Advanced Options
Crop Marks
- Crop marks can be added to the printout for each label. They are useful for
indicating the exact location of the label when printing on a blank piece of
paper. Edge marks are useful if you intend to cut the page with a rotary
trimmer or paper cutter.
The available options are
No Marks
- print the label without any crop marks
Dotted Marks
- add a dotted rectangle around each label
Cross Marks
- print a cross at the corners of each label
Edge Marks - print guiding marks at the edge of
each page
Show Label shape in Print Preview
- Check this option to draw the shape of the label during print preview. This
can help you visualize each label and its content when the shape of the label
is irregular (e.g a CDROM).
Shift X
- Used to calibrate the Printer. Shift the printed area horizontally by the
specified amount. The units are in inches and the shift is to the right for
positive values and to the left for negative values.
Shift Y - Used to calibrate the Printer. Shift the printed area
vertically by the specified amount. The units are in inches and the shift is
down for positive values and up for negative values.