Print Options - Number of Labels
Number of Labels
- This field indicates the number of labels to print.
Regardless of whether the data for each label is fixed, obtained from a
database, or generated by a counter; the actual number of labels printed is
determined only by this value.
Read from Database field
- the database field that specify the number of labels to print. SmartCode
Studio will print each label according to the number indicated in the database
This option is useful when you have a scenario where you want to print
3 Copies of Label A
4 Copies of Label B
2 Copies of Label C
5 Copies of Label D
Identical copies
- Checking this option causes several labels to be printed identically. It does
not affect the Number of Labels printed.
For example, if the Number of Labels is set to 10, but Identical copies is set
to 2, then 10 labels will be printed, with the 1st and 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 5th
and 6th, 7th and 8th, 9th and 10th label being idential.
Position Start Position
- The position of the first label in the page to start printing from
Printing Order - the direction of the label sequence on the page, either
Horizontal or Vertical